what are the structural engineering

What is structural engineering, What is the scope of structural engineering?

Structural engineering:

Structural engineering is a field of civil engineering. It involves the application of the laws of physics and mathematics to safely design structural elements.

Structural engineering design ensures the structures are safe, stable, and don’t collapse under applied loads.

Modern-day structural engineering design provides a large and detailed body of knowledge that can accurately predict the performance of different shapes and materials used in structures to resist loads and stresses on structures.

What is a structural engineer – The structural engineer is designing advanced structural engineering design with help of software that is available in the field.

The principles of structural engineering design were used thousands of years ago when building structures in the form of large big temples and big palaces in India. There are several structural engineering design techniques to understand what are structural engineers and what they can do

What does a structural engineer do?

Structural engineers often work alongside civil engineers and architects. Work on the design and analysis side. Analysis of the diff load condition and their effect on the structure due to diff kinds of loads like dead load, live load, wind load, etc.

Also read: What are the SCMs in concrete, what are the importance of SCMs?

Role of structural engineering 

Structural engineers syllabus and structural engineering design work on designing, drawing, specifications, observing construction sites, performing calculations, and overseeing the construction of new buildings.

There are many structural engineering courses online available with structural engineering design software tools and filed base basic structural engineering courses on many educational platforms like pigso learning, Udemy, Coursera, Alison, edx, etc.

Scope of structural engineering in future 

In upcoming times computer software plays an important role in structural engineering jobs.

Designing to analysis, building modeling, and structural analysis are all major upcoming roles that are created in the field now.

You need to learn about the basics to advance the level of structural engineering design software skills like in

AutoCAD 2D/3D

Revit structure





Structural engineers start their careers in planning and designing work and can further become structural engineers, site supervisors, project managers, and quality managers. One can seek employment in the private sector and public sector as well.

One common question on every mind is what civil engineers do? , is civil engineering hard. How to become a civil engineer?, how to use IS code for civil engineering, and how to become a civil engineer? But you can find answers to all those questions here and clear all your doubts.

You can also start your freelancing work as well as start your own firm in the structural engineering field as a designer, planner or start your consultancy. Many developed countries are providing the highest structural engineering salary.

Job Profiles of structural engineers are:

Structural engineer

Structural design engineer 

Project Manager

Supervisory Engineer


Quality Analysts

Structural draftsman

CAD trainer 

BIM Professional


Professor and Teachers

Get basic knowledge of structural engineering, enroll in the basic structural engineering course – click here

SEI research on structural engineering

The Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is a unique and vibrant community of more than 20,000 members. The mission of SEI is to advance and serve the structural engineering profession.

The path to the future of the structural engineering profession includes defining the vision for the future, understanding the current practices and challenges, and identifying the way forward to bridge the gap. 

The SEI Board of Governors recognized these coming changes and took steps toward addressing them. They created this Vision Statement. It, in part, states:

In 2033, The Structural Engineering Profession will be:

  • A unique, fully engaged profession with a strong identity,
  • Recognized for the contributions of the profession,
  • Stewards of the built environment, and
  • Attractive to the best and brightest.

You can read more about it here, https://www.asce.org/uploadedFiles/visionforthefuture.pdf

Learn structural engineering

Learn the basics of structural engineering in the structural engineering courses online. PIGSO Learning provides a learning base and online training-based courses from basics to advanced levels for civil engineering students and professionals.

You can start with a basic structural engineering course. Structural designing to analysis, AutoCAD drawing (how to scale a drawing in AutoCAD ) to Abaqus. Start to learn from basic AutoCAD drawing. AutoCAD is the best designing software’s for structural engineering to understand all the fundaments of structural engineers. PIGSO Learning provides a free AutoCAD basic training course.


There is clearly present what is a structural engineering and the scope of structural engineering in India and abroad. The infrastructure is a path of development of any nation. And for that nation requires skilled-highly educated engineers to work on national development.

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